[OHMY] CTF Server & TeamSpeak addresses

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Post by Dmt »

After having time to think about it, and experience the changes with the wound and drop the gun thing, cant say I like it. No gun fights close up, drop the weapon and people seem to have time to finish a beer, light a cig and then by the time you recover and pick up weapon they beat you to death. Also I was thinking we are getting a lot of new players (visitors) it really puts us out of the norm, and when we make big changes we could loose some, most are not on team speak so we cant convey the changes.

I play primarily on the server because of the level of play, the people that play the server and over all I think we have a really good group. I think that and a really good game is all we should need to attract new players. I know many of you are probably bored because of the length we have been playing the same mods, but that can also be a strength. You know what to expect you can formulate responses and develop strategies for dealing with people that play dead in a pile of bodies (hint Shart) etc, personally that makes the game better in my opinion, you can sometimes identify a player by how they move when close Aburnman.

Also Im old, set in my ways etc. could be a weakness, either way I will play with the majority consensus, and adapt etc. Just thinking?
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Post by LoneWolf »

I cant believe Im saying this but here it goes! I agree with DMT about this and hopefully this will be rectified very soon! Plus I hope MaMa gives the lad his Plum back !
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Post by Nature »

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Post by Pengy »

EEEEEEEEk I don't believe it but but i gotta agree with the above( oooh the shame ) afraid the gun dropping if driving a few out of the games at present.
It was worth a go and to see what happens but when it happens to others very funny, but its getting frustrating and not that realistic after all could you not change hands? or flippers.
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Post by sexymamag »

have to agree don't like gun dropping it seems to have people drop out of game we need to keep people here
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Post by Pengy »

I certainly don't agree with ol Lonestinkywolf on this subject, giving the ol boy his plum back would result on not being able to recognize they ol fella running round, since he has a distinct lean to the left to compensate for the missing item.

Besides this Ma likes cooking and what better for Christmas than Plum Pudding?
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Post by LoneWolf »

Well Im not going to agree with that rotten fish eater flipperless bird! Cause I think the missing plum make the old derelict lean to the right while running around! And NO ONE like Plum Pudding! thats right up there with squeal like a Pig Mountain Oysters!
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Post by Icecreamman »

my 2 pennies. I think that the map changes keeps it fresh here. The change of game play can sometime turn of new and old players because its stays for all maps. if a player does not like a map they only need to wait so many mins. before they can play.
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Post by buford t pusser »

I also agree the gun drops are not working lose that close up battle...Love the fresh maps...Thanks Shart!...
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Post by Shartnado »

Based upon responses here and daily in-game, we have reverted the weapon drop back to NO drop.

I also added sprint to mp_survival_2,
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