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Enjoy our servers? Like to chat with us on TeamSpeak? Looking for a COD2 community that truly feels like family (dysfunctions and all)?

Post HERE to let us know you would like to join us and put on your own [OHMY] tags!

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Hello Everyone!

Post by HeyYou »

Hey guys its HeyYou! Finally been able to get my app put in, would love to wear your guys tags! Always have fun in your server, and feel ive played with alot of you guys! Thanks! [OHMY] HeyYou!
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Auburnman »

Hi there! Glad you were able to get into the forum.

I'm always happy to see you on the server. You're definitely one of the better players so its especially satisfying when I actually win one of our battles. ;)

One of the very best things you can do is come into teamspeak and spend some time with us. It's not a requirement but there's no better way to get to know each other than to actually talk. For me personally, hearing Jerms and Knight telling me what an inspiration I've been and how much they've learned from me over the years never gets old. Sometimes it gets to be a little much but I think it makes them feel good and it definitely saves them both a lot of in-game typing and late night emailing. Our teamspeak server is at ts3.ohmyctf.com.

I'll be on later but again...welcome!
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Re: Hello Everyone!


Auburnman I think you said it all in your post....
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by sexymamag »

hello hey you would love to see you in teamspeak so you can get to know all of us we do have a lot of fun so hope to see you there . you are welcome to place tags like [OHMY] and your name glad to have you here
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Shartnado »

Oh shoot! I'm so sorry Auburn. I did not give you your compliment yesterday. Please forgive me. How about if I give you three today instead?
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Auburnman »

Shart just being in the same clan as you is compliment enough. 😉
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